At Inu-Koubou, we create superb, cool & cute animal costumes (fursuits).
「犬工房」は、2017年10月に千葉県で創業した、着ぐるみの製作工房です。工房長の歌犬と、職人の哲狼、ふたりで力を合わせて開業しました。当工房が着ぐるみのモチーフとする動物は、犬、狼、狐、猫などの肉食動物のほか、ドラゴンを始めとした架空生物。 これらのデザイン要素を織り交ぜ、オリジナリティの高いデザインを生み出していきます。小さめのヘッドシェルと、抑揚を強調したボディラインにより、躍動感あふれる肉食獣のイメージを前面に押し出す一方で、顔つきはどこかアニメチックで可愛らしく、親しみやすい表情を与えています。
Inu-Koubou was originally founded in the prefecture of Chiba, Japan in October 2017. It currently functions as a production studio for animal costumes. The founding of the studio was a joint endeavour between both chief craftsman ‘The Singing Dog’ and his fellow artisan ‘Tetsuo Wolf’. The studios’ recurring animal costume motifs include carnivorous animals such as dogs, wolves, foxes and cats as well as fictional creatures such as dragons. The studio’s various design elements weave together to create both high quality and original designs. A petite head shell base and a sleek body line accentuates form while pushing forward an image of a lively & boisterous carnivore. Yet, gentle facial features give the impression of a friendly, easy going cartoon character.
オーダー方式は2種類。理想の Fursona をあなたに
There are two varieties of order to create the ideal ‘Fursona’ for you.
Now we have 2 options for your fursuit commission order. You can select your favorite fursuit design from “Designs for sale”, or we create your fursuit based on your design and imagination. In both ordering options, we always put our efforts as much as possible to create fursuits that make our clients satisfied by having frequent communication with them, to help everyone enjoying their another personality “fursona”.
Costume repairs and body part alterations.
ご自身の Fursona をより長く、大切にしていきたいとお考えの方のために、既存の着ぐるみの修理、ボディやパーツのリメイクも承っております。他社製の着ぐるみでも、リメイク・修理が可能です。ご希望の方は、犬工房までメールにてご連絡ください。 mail:info@inu-koubou.com
For those of you with the intention of maintaining your fursuit for longer, we are able to undertake body and component repairs on your existing costume. This is also possible on costumes made by other studios. If this is a service you desire, please contact Inu-Koubou by E-mail at mail:info@inu-koubou.com

役職:工房長(Position : Chief craftsman)
I was born on June 21st, 1987 and raised in Chiba city, Chiba prefecture. My primary hobby as a child was drawing. I watched the film ‘The Lion King’ when I was 13 years old and this triggered a fascination with carnivorous animals. As such, I then began to center my following illustrations around this subject. After studying architecture at the science and engineering faculty at Waseda University, I then enrolled with the Waseda University School Of Fundamental Science and Engineering and majored in intermedia art and science, graduating from the chair. Afterwards, I worked in the editorial department for a classic car publication, editing both magazines and corresponding websites. After five years of experience, I quit my 9-5 job and went on to found my own studio Inu-Koubou! I hope to channel Inu-Koubou’s craftsmans' passion and creativity for costumes into a brand, creating both high quality, highly artist pieces of work and further develop the kemono costume culture in Japan.

哲狼(Tetulou) Fursona:プライリー・クラウン(Priry Crown)
役職:着ぐるみ職人(Position: Costume craftsman)
I was born on October 5th 1992 in Chiba, Japan. At school during my student days, I played piano & wind instruments, performed classical ballet, figure skated and mastered various performing arts such as the taiko drums (specifically wa-daiko). During the third year of high-school I won the 2011 national Japan taiko championship! During my childhood I watched Disney movies such as ‘Robin Hood’ and flash animations such as ‘Catman’ and so forth. After my initial employment, I became aware of the community of kemono (furry) enthusiasts like myself. I was fascinated by the costumes and decided to make my own. To learn the necessary skills, I enrolled in the Salon de Chapeau Academy in Shibuya, Tokyo. After specialising in the art of sewing, I started to participate in various local and international events in my own costume. My wish is to further develop the kemono costume culture, so after studying languages in Australia, I founded my own studio - Inu-Koubou!

遠山のPow(TooyamanoPow) Fursona:スチル(SCHILL)
役職:COO(Position: Chief Operating Officer)
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Address : Naganuma-cho 224-23, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Japan
Business hours : 16:00-24:00 (weekdays)
Closed : Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays of Japan,
New Year holidays
Contact : info@inu-koubou.com
Translated by RealKCT